Things To Add To Your Bucket List

I firmly believe that everybody should have a bucket list. A list of things you want to accomplish before you, well, kick the bucket. If you don't have one, or want to add more goals to yours, take a look below at some of mine.


Visit New York City

Swim with fish

Ride an elephant

Go to Fiji

Go to the top of the highest building in the world

Fly in a hot air balloon

Run a marathon

Meet your favorite author

Adopt a dog

Spin the globe and go to wherever your finger lands

Learn a foreign language

Reach your ideal weight

Master a sport

Go scuba diving/snorkeling

Climb a mountain

Go skiing

Do something nice for somebody you don't know

Go on a cruise


See the Northern lights

Visit the Grand Canyon

Set foot on every continent

Fly first class

Bungee jump

Go to Disney Land

Go to the airport and get a ticket for whatever the next flight is

Ride a camel

Go camping

Watch a musical at Broadway

Write a book

Learn to play a song on the piano/guitar

Go on a safari in Africa

Visit the Colosseum

See the Taj Mahal

Take a cooking class

Attend the Olympics

Attend the World Cup 

Help someone reach one of their bucket list goals