The Dragon

I recently made a vow that if I don't like a restaurant, I will not blog about it at all. For one, it won't be fair to the owners of the restaurant to lose customers in case anybody stumbles upon my post, and second because what I may not enjoy, others might. With that being said, every time I make a food post, it will be positive. 

Like this one.

This should be appealing to anyone who loves Japanese food. Being a Jap foodie myself, I was happy to have recently discovered a new Japanese place in Jabriya called "The Dragon", and got a chance to try it out a few days ago with the family. 

The place isn't very small; it has quite a lot of tables that you can sit at and has great interior decor. The counter is shaped like a gigantic dragon! I didn't want people to think I was taking pictures of them, so I only took one lousy picture of the interior. Oh well.

 Complimentary green tea.

 Complimentary spicy peanuts.

 Kani Sesame Salad. Cucumber, crabstick, carrot, tobikko, seaweed and sesame seeds in sauce. Delicious and I totally recommend getting this.

 Chicken noodles, also very good. I might try their beef noodles next time.

California rolls, one of my favorites. 

 I don't remember what these were called, sorry! (they were very good, though)

 Rice with beef curry. This I didn't particularly love, but it was probably because I haven't tried curry before so I didn't know what to expect. I liked the rice, I liked  the beef, but the curry was okay. My family liked the curry, though!

 Egg fried seafood rice. 10 points! Very, very good. The waitress recommended we get it with egg and I'm glad we did.

You can find them at:
Delivery: 22255224
Instagram: @thedragon_kwt
(they also deliver on