DIY lip scrub

Lip scrubs seem to be a big hit with the cold months drying everybody's lips out. I thought that instead of buying it, I could make one and see if I liked it.

I started out with 2 ingredients, coconut oil and sugar. You also want something to mix the two in.

Coconut oil is a natural moisturiser- great for hair, the skin, nails, as well as lips. The sugar, on the other hand, works as an exfoliator and gets rid of all the dead skin cells, resulting in baby smooth lips.

You want to add a bit of oil and a lot of sugar, until the mixture looks like this:

And that's it!

 Apply it to your lips and move the sugar particles around in circular motions for about 15 seconds. Once rinsed off, you can apply a bit of lip balm and admire your new soft lips.

You can store it in a closed container in the fridge for future use. Too much exfoliating might damage the skin on your lips, but twice a week is ideal.

And there you have it, a 100% natural lip scrub that costs a fraction of what you would pay in the store for one.


  1. You guys have Parachute too!!! :D this is so super easy, if it's effective then I should try it too :) xx
    - N

    1. This is the only brand of coconut oil that I've seen here! Haha
