Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred

Around a month and a half ago I came to the conclusion that I want to transform my body into a healthier looking one. Knowing that dieting without moving will not do me good for a long time, and having had a bad experience at the gym back when I used to go, I did my homework regarding workout DVDs. I came across a ton. There are literally hundreds of workout videos on YouTube alone, not to mention those for purchase. 

Having stumbled upon many positive reviews about Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred, I decided to give it a go.
What the program is, is a 30 day cardio and strength training that also combines ab work. Every 10 days the workouts get tougher, and the program takes 30 days in total to complete. This was also ideal for me because one entire workout (warm-up and stretch included) lasts 30 minutes. Jillian starts off with a warm up, and then repeats a pattern of strength-cardio-abs 3 times, followed by stretching at the end of the workout. 

I completed it 2 days ago, and while I will not be posting any before and after pictures, I am going to say that I lost 5KG doing this program while maintaining a healthy diet (with a few minor cheat treats here and there). I have gained a lot of strength, my body has toned up a bit which I'm mostly happy about, and people have also been noticing a change in the way my body looks. All in all, I'm very happy with having taken the decision to challenge myself, and I highly recommend checking this program out if you are interested in fitness yourself.

*One thing to be noted about this workout is that while it only lasts 30 minutes, it is very intense and you will be sweating buckets by the end of it. There is also practically no rest between the moves, so it can get a bit crazy.

Here are the links to Level 1, 2 and 3 of the 30 Day Shred. Each level is to be done for 10 days.