Last minute Valentine's Day gift ideas.

With Valentine's Day hitting us in a day or two, I thought I would do a little post filled with gift ideas for her and him. These are things you can get or whip up in a flash so if you still haven't gotten your significant other anything, read on for ideas! 

Gifts for her:

1- Chocolates and flowers (preferably roses, but if you know what flowers she likes, get her those!). A classic combination that does not require a lot of planning ahead.

2- Jewellery, another no brainer. Stick to gold and silver though, you REALLY don't want to get your date anything from Claire's. 

3- Edible arrangements/chocolate-covered strawberries. These are fun gifts that you can enjoy together over some drinks and a fire.

4- Spa treatment vouchers. Getting her a free massage, facial, hair treatment etc will score you points big time.

5. A romantic dinner, preferably eaten at home! However, if cooking isn't your thing, then go ahead and make reservations at her favorite restaurant.

Gifts for him:

1- Bake him something. After all, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Google has plenty of recipes, so you're bound to find something within your skill level.

2- You can never go wrong with a watch or wallet. These vary in pricing, which means that there's something in there for everybody's budget.

3- If he's into technology, anything from an iPad to a Kindle to video games would work.

4- Gym membership. If your man is into fitness, this would be a perfect gift for him.

5- Last but not least is probably my favorite. Show up at his door with drinks, some good movies, food, and spend the night in.

I hope these help some of you when rushing out to buy something last minute! Just remember, Valentine's Day is just another day of the year so a present is not crucial. It is nice, however, to exchange presents and have a "special" day once in a while, so remember to spoil your significant other on regular days too!

Happy Valentine's Day everybody.